Setting Up Risk Levels

Risk levels categorize customers based on their potential risk, determining the level of due diligence needed. This is important because it ensures that higher-risk customers receive more attention, efficiently allocating resources to mitigate potential threats. 


To set up your Risk Levels in the platform follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Administration, on the side panel, click Compliance Settings, and then click Risk Levels.


2. Once in the Risk Level section, you can customize how risk levels are displayed on your dashboard.

Number of Risk Levels: Set how many risk levels are shown on your dashboard.


Ascending/Descending Risk Order: Select whether the risk order is displayed in ascending or descending order. In ascending order, higher numbers represent higher risk. In descending order, lower numbers represent higher risk.


Risk Level Labels: Customize the display names (labels) for each risk level to suit your organization's terminology and preferences.

3. Once you have finished setting up your Risk Levels Save the changes.