The Legal Entity portal is used to collect the legal corporate information about a corporation and verify their identities and affiliations.
Users will see a landing page with an optional company logo and customizable text/button colors.
The following screen is the consent screen that outlines the information to be gathered.
On this screen, the user will add the Legal Entity and then select Search. If no Entities are found matching your Legal Entity's name, the system requires more information and the user will need to select Manual Entry - Additional Options listed at the bottom.
Once the entity has been selected and the Next button is hit, the address associated with the selected entity is auto-populated.
When entering the Legal Entity, the Primary Contact is required to be entered. If the person entering in the information they can select This is me or if another person is entering in the information, the option This is another person would be selected.
After the selection of Next, the following screen provides the checklist of the Entity to be added
The Supporting Documents is the next screen to verify the Legal Entity being entered into iComply.
Since this is a Legal Entity, the next screen is where they would provide the Proof Of Address. The user will be able to provide the document type with the proof of address included. There are also two other options available: Email Me a Link - This option once selected will email the user entering in the Legal Entity and enables them to provide the Proof Of Address at a later point in time. Email Primary Contact - This option once selected will email the primary contact entered earlier in order for them to provide the proof of address.
This screen provides the summary of the Supporting Documents section that was done.
On the next screen, the user is provided the checklist of their progress.
After the Next button is selected, the completion screen will be provided to the user.
Selecting Search with a result displaying no entities (A), will display the option for LEI or DUNS identification (B)
Screen A
Screen B
After the selection of Manual Entry, the user will be prompted to provide the type(s) of address for the Legal Entity and the address information. Types of Addresses are Headquarters Address, Legal Address, Billing Address, Mailing Address, or Physical Address. *Note - More than 1 type can be added at the time of entry.
The user will manually add in the Legal entity's address(s).
After the above information has been provided, the user will be guided back through the standard process.