Access various reports generated from the platform and entities uploaded or exported by CSV in the Files Management section.
The personal report of an entity once requested will appear in the Reports section of the Administration section in the iComply platform.
This is where the personal report lives. Users can generate, download and delete reports here.
Users can filter by date range, entity type and who requested the report:
Users can also perform a simple search on the report name (entity name):
The CSV section under Administration allows the user to view any Imports of spreadsheets and within the same screen, the ability to view any Exports of CSV spreadsheets
1 - Imports
The Imports section displays the recent imports of CSV files added to the solution and with the details related to the file being uploaded.
The details for the CSV files that were uploaded are shown with the following "sort-by" enabled headers:
Date - The date when the CSV file was added to the solution
Entity Type - The type of entities added to the solution via the CSV templates
Requested By - Identifies the user that had done the upload of the CSV file
Records - The total number of entities that were uploaded within the CSV files
Imported - Displays the total number of entities that were added to the solution and also the ability to just view the additions by selecting the
2 - Exports
The Exports section displays all of the available CSV exports that can be generated and then downloaded.
The details for the CSV files that were uploaded are shown with the following "sort-by" enabled headers:
Date - The date when the CSV file was exported from the solution
Entity Type - The type of entities to be exported from the solution via the CSV
Requested By - Identifies the user that had requested the export of the CSV file
Records - The total number of entities that were requested to be exported
Exported - Displays the total number of exports & downloads from the export record listed