Document Uploads

First upload one by one image to this endpoint:
If the document is a passport, upload one image with a single call to this endpoint. If it’s a driver’s license or an ID card, upload both the front and back images with two separate calls to this endpoint. The image is sent through Form data.
In the response for each call to this endpoint, you will receive a filename for the uploaded image, which you will use in the next request:{id}/identity-documents
For the body of this request, send:
All fields are of type string:
  • documentFrontFileName always has a value, which is the filename of the passport image, or the front side of the ID card or driver’s license, obtained from the first endpoint.
  • documentBackFileName has a value only if the document is an ID card or a driver’s license. This value is obtained from the second call to the first endpoint.
  • documentType can be one of the following values: "passport""driversLicense", or "idCard".
  • status is the status in which the ID event should be set, and can be "Review""Accepted", or "Rejected".
Here is an example request when the document is a passport:
First call and send passport in form data and response will be 88563d51-d1c5-47b7-b357-821279cbdb3a.jpg
Then call and send in body:
    "documentFrontFileName": "88563d51-d1c5-47b7-b357-821279cbdb3a.jpg",
    "documentType": "passport",
    "status": "Review"
Finally, call to get images for entity with id 123456