Our platform allows you to add custom questions to Supporting Document Packages, enabling a more tailored and efficient onboarding process for your clients. These custom questions can be integrated into the onboarding portals, allowing you to gather specific information relevant to your business needs, risk levels, industry, or jurisdictional requirements.
By combining custom questions with supporting documents, you ensure that all necessary data and verification details are collected in one streamlined workflow.
Creating Custom Questions for Enhanced Client Onboarding
The section for Supporting Documents allows you to add new Supporting Document Packages and make modifications or deletions to existing ones.
To add a new supporting document package, select the + Add Supporting Document Package button in green.
Complete the package details, including the Header (document type name), Entity Type (Natural Person or Legal Entity), and Description.
After submitting, you will be directed to the Document Support Package interface, allowing you to add a custom question.
Click the green +Add New Question and type your question in the Question field.
Customizable Answer Formats
Our platform offers a range of flexible field types to customize the onboarding experience and gather precise information from your clients.
The available field options include:
- Discrete Choice: Allows you to create predefined answers that users can select, with an option to choose "Other" for additional input.
- Text Field: Provides a freeform field for users to enter detailed, open-ended responses.
- Currency Field: Allows users to input monetary values, capturing essential financial data.
- Numerical Field: Enables users to enter numbers, ideal for data like quantities or figures.
- Multiple Choice: Enables users to select one or more predefined answers, with the ability to choose "Other" for more flexibility.
- Percentage Field: Designed for users to add percentage values, useful for financial and statistical data.
If answer format Discrete Choice and Multiple Choice are selected you will need to Add Answers.
If answer formats Text Field, Currency Field, Numerical Field or Percentage Field are selected you will need to set the Character Limit for the answers.
Required Questions
Turn on the Required to Proceed toggle to ensure the client fills out the answer during portal onboarding.
Saving the Questions
Save each question you add individually.
Selecting the Save button will enable the new Custom Question to be available when added to the portals.
Once all custom questions are created and saved, our platform gives you the flexibility to rearrange the order of the questions to match your preferred flow. This ensures that the questions are displayed in a logical and user-friendly manner during the onboarding process in the portal.
To do so simply drag and drop the questions to the desired order.