If you are repeatedly encountering errors while uploading a CSV file, this might be because the file is not properly formatted.
Follow the below steps to make sure that the CSV file is properly formatted and uploaded to the system without errors.
Use the provided CSV template: To avoid formatting errors, use the CSV template provided by the system. This will ensure that the file is properly formatted and can be uploaded to the system.
Check the date format: Ensure that the date format in the CSV file follows the Year-month-date convention with dashes instead of slashes. For example, January 21st, 1978, should be written as 1978-01-21. This will prevent any errors related to date formatting when uploading the CSV file.
Remove any extra columns: Before uploading the CSV file to the system, make sure that there are no extra columns in the file. Extra columns may cause formatting errors or prevent the file from being uploaded successfully.
Save the CSV file: After making sure that the CSV file is properly formatted, save the file with a name that is easy to remember.
Upload the CSV file: Navigate to the upload CSV function in the platform and select the file that you just saved. Check that the file name and file format are correct, and then click the "Upload" button.
Review the upload results: After the system has finished processing the CSV file, review the upload results to make sure that all of the data was uploaded correctly. If there were any errors during the upload process, take note of them and fix them in the original CSV file before attempting to upload the file again.
By following these step-by-step instructions, you should be able to upload CSV files to the system without encountering any formatting errors.